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One of the Largest Association for Mutual Fund Distributor in india
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Welcome to AMDwA

All Mutual Fund Distributors Welfare Association, popularly called as “AMDwA” is a Non-Profit Association, formally registered under The Societies Registration Act, 1860, with sole purpose of the Welfare of Mutual Fund Distributors (MFDs) and other Financial Intermediaries.

AMDwA has been created with the main objective of uniting the Financial Intermediary fraternity to come together, as one family for the development, protection and growth of all its members & their Investors.

The need for AMDwA arose to fill the gap of a registered, formal, organized and acceptable platform for mutual fund distributors, (the erstwhile IFAs) to take up their issues with the Regulators, Fund Houses and other concerned authorities & organizations.

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Vision & Mission

The organization aims to establish itself as a pan-India entity to protect the welfare and interests of financial service intermediaries and their investors. It aims to work with stakeholders to promote the development and growth of the mutual fund industry in India, create awareness about mutual funds and other financial products, increase financial awareness and inclusion through its members, and represent its members to policy makers and authorities on matters concerning their interests and the welfare of investors.